Last night at the Democratic National Convention, whether you were inside the United Center, watching at home, or somewhere in between, one of the most instantly special moments was when Coach Governor Tim Walz was speaking and the camera (the Jumbotron if you were inside) panned to Walz’s kids Hope and Gus, who were visibly in tears with pride over what their father was currently doing.
“That’s my dad!” shouted Gus, who was just about bawling. Up in the media section, among all the surely Very Serious Reporters, there were audible gasps of emotion when that happened.
And almost immediately the reaction on social media from a number of Republicans looked like this:
The comments on that tweet were so vile that the Blaze, that clearinghouse for self-reflection, appears to have deleted it entirely.
When even some people who are usually assholes tweeted about how moved they were by the Walz family, they got the same thing in their replies:
Enter those replies at your own risk.
To be clear, the consensus among all decent human beings was that it was an incredible moment the likes of which we rarely see in politics.
Some people are talking about how Gus Walz is neurodiverse, has a nonverbal development disorder the Walz family has been outspoken about, which would make it extra-cruel and vile and inhuman for Republican rotting carcasses to make fun of him and his reaction to his dad being on that stage.
But it also bears mentioning that it’s increasingly difficult to imagine a MAGA politician or pundit doing anything to elicit such emotion from their kids. Can you imagine a Trump child being so proud of their father they’re moved to tears? What about JD Vance or another US senator?
Does anybody think Kentucky Rep. James “Pigfuck” Comer’s kids are in tears right now, upon their dad’s release of his 291-page findings into Hunter Biden’s Chinese Communist Penis? Can anyone imagine them shouting out for their dad like that?
Does anybody think Megyn Kelly’s kids are standing behind her like “Yeah mom! Send another tweet about the genitals of that Algerian boxer”?
Can you imagine Donald Trump Jr. just beaming? (Not in his regular “My father doesn’t love me” pathetic way, we mean like a normal person.)
Spoiler, you can’t. And that’s just one of a million reasons MAGA is freaking the fuck out right now.
To mix sports metaphors, pretty much everybody agrees Tim Walz home-runned a three-pointer into the touchdown zone last night, by which we mean he nailed it. “Our job for everyone watching is to get in the trenches and do the blocking and tackling,” he said, as the fired-up crowd cheered for the coach.
“We’re down a field goal. But we’re on offense and we’ve got the ball. We’re driving down the field. And, boy, do we have the right team,” he said at another point.
Tim Walz, the former high school coach and teacher from Minnesota, just simply brought the house down.
And when he was done, his boy Gus ran up on that stage and gave him the biggest hug ever.
Stay mad about it, Republicans.
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