There is a lie on the rightwing internet today. (Can you believe it?)
Charlie Kirk helpfully copy/pasted it from whatever FWD: Fwd: fwd: FWD: FWD: fwd: FWD: email his mom sent him this morning.
“BREAKING,” it reads. “Jacob Chansley AKA ‘QAnon Shaman’ has been freed from prison 14 months early after never-before-seen exculpatory Jan. 6 footage showing him being escorted into Senate by cops was shared with the public by Tucker Carlson.”
No. Just all of it is no. The only part of it that’s correct is that the fucking dork secessionist terrorist with the silly hat got to leave the prison to go to a halfway house. On exactly the schedule he was told when he went to prison.
And we guess technically Charlie wrote that cleverly, as it actually does not say Tucker Carlson’s dumbfucking edited January 6 early bird menu senior citizen Capitol field trip barebacking orgy video actually brought about this result. It falsely asserts that it was “exculpatory,” but doesn’t say that’s why this loser is leaving prison and on his way to a halfway house.
It’s written hoping you’ll mistakenly create that impression in your own rarely used brain. The Daily Mail is similarly writing all these facts VERY CLOSE to each other.
That’s one way rightwing propaganda works.
Here is the truth:
Tucker did play some footage of the QAnon Shaman/Jacob Chansley that he just swore to Jesus exonerated Chansley. Nobody was convinced, unless they were as dumb as Elon Musk. It was extremely selectively edited, for the benefit of stupid people. Prosecutors called it bullshit.
Simultaneously, as producer and journalist Ford Fischer explains on Twitter, Chansley has now served 27 months of his 41-month sentence. The Daily Mail doesn’t say Tucker’s footage got Chansley out of prison. It says:
The spokesman [for the Bureau of Prisons] declined to comment on the reason for the transfer, but pointed generally to federal laws that allow for good-conduct sentence reductions, as well as release to a halfway house for the final 12 months of a sentence.
Chansley’s release comes weeks after his former attorney demanded he be freed in light of new video from the Capitol riot, but his move to the halfway house appears to be unconnected.
A former federal prosecutor unconnected with the case said it was doubtful public pressure played a role in Chansley’s transfer, noting the move appears ‘kind of routine’ under BOP guidelines.
Of course it’s the Daily Mail, so you have to scroll through one million pictures and pop-ups and ads for gold bars made of boner pills to get there. You are not expected to do such work for yourself. Not when the headline so very subtly screams
QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley is released 14 months early from prison after Jan. 6 footage showed him being ‘ESCORTED’ by cops inside the Capitol
As Fischer writes on Twitter, and as we have written here, the timeline in the Daily Mail headline and the breathless tweets from Charlie Kirk are technically correct, it’s just that they’re writing them in a way that appears to paint a whole different picture. We’ll call it lying through the creativity of language!
Hell, even in the sub-headlines below that screaming Daily Mail headline, it says Chansley’s transfer “appears to be routine under federal guidelines.”
That’s his lawyer.
We just wanted you to have this information for the record, for later tonight when your stupid, stupid, stupid Republican uncle starts talking about how all the J6 terrorists are gonna go free because Tucker is leading them to the promised land.
Fuck off.
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