Missouri GOP Rep. Vicky Hartzler is a piece of shit. She tried to run for the US Senate in Missouri this past cycle and she had a hard time breaking through the field to be the biggest lunatic of all, but that was a testament to the level of lunacy in her primary. For God’s sake, Eric Greitens was one of her opponents.
But she is specifically an anti-gay asshole. And she got to take her turn during floor speeches in advance of the House’s final passage of the bill protecting marriage equality.
Y’all. The Oscar for “Most Goodest Trying To Cry Because Gay People Who Fucking Hate You And Don’t Care What Your Bigot Ass Thinks Are Allowed To Get Married” DOES NOT GO to Vicky Hartzler of Missouri.
You know how with some medicines and supplements you gotta take them at least 30 minutes before it’s time to perform, otherwise it won’t work? Well we are just saying it looks like somebody forgot to take their CRY-AGRA.
In other news, that is your new ringtone. Specifically from the 18-second mark to the 24-second mark, where the fake crying gets real dramatic.
Again, she is crying because gay people she has never met and who never ever want to meet her are allowed to get married.
She is SO UPSET, you guys. Don’t you feel her very real human feelings emanating off of her?
Hartzler is well-known anti-gay garbage. Her political career has been motivated from very early on by hurting LGBTQ+ people. But if you’d like to read about something nicer, read about her amazing nephew Andrew Hartzler, who is out and gay and has some interesting theories about what the fuck is wrong with his aunt.
As we mentioned, Hartzler tried to run in the primary for the open Senate seat in Missouri and lost. She’s also not going to be in Congress anymore come January.
So this might literally be the one and only thing she’s ever remembered for.
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