A normal person, one blessed with the human traits of empathy and shame, might look at the situation in Springfield, Ohio — currently in the grip of a racial panic over Haitian immigrants that was super-sized by ambitious shithead politicians and has led to bomb threats to elementary schools, among other insanities — and conclude that the temperature in the small city that he has partially contributed to raising needs to get turned down, and fast, by the smart leaders charged with guarding the public welfare.
But a sociopath — like, say, Ohio Senator, vice presidential candidate and flaming pile of human butt-hair JD Vance — looks at such a situation and screams “MORE! MORE!” while he upends a full gas can over the already-roaring fire he built. Because Vance is the live-action version of the “Sickos” meme, without the irony.
So Springfield authorities on Friday morning closed a couple of elementary schools and evacuated the students after receiving bomb threats connected to the “ZOMG HAITIANS ARE EATING FIDO” panic that has gripped the wingnut-o-verse. This was on the heels of Thursday’s closure of City Hall and Fulton Elementary School after emailed bomb threats.
Vance knew just what to do. He immediately hopped on Xitter to signal his following of redneck Übermenschen that he approves, and they should keep up this campaign of civic terror until they get what he wants:
“In Springfield, Ohio, there has been a massive rise in communicable diseases, rent prices, car insurance rates, and crime. This is what happens when you drop 20,000 people into a small community.
“Kamala Harris’s immigration policy aims to do this to every town in our country.
“Don’t let biased media shame you into not discussing this slow moving humanitarian crisis in a small Ohio town. We shoudl (sic) talk about it every single day.
“Kamala Harris did this. And she’ll keep doing it unless we stop her.”
Communicable diseases! Crime! Car insurance rates! And not a word about “hey guys, ixnay on the ombthreatsbay.” Not a single one.
Anything else you’d like to blame on the Haitian migrants who have moved to central Ohio and reinvigorated the communities by getting jobs and paying taxes and generally doing all the things that racists like you pretend will satisfy you, Governor Wallace? The Bengals offense did look pretty terrible in Week 1, maybe the Haitians put a voodoo on it.
Again, let us be completely clear here: JD Vance saw all the chaos his unfounded racism was causing in Springfield, and he immediately doubled down on it. As yr Doktor Zoom predicted he would do at right around the time on Friday morning that Vance was in fact posting these tweets.
What’s more, Talking Points Memo reports that until Vance started targeting Springfield two months ago, the situation for immigrants was not nearly so tense:
“The sad thing is none of this was stirred up until JD Vance started publicizing it,” [Central Christian Church senior pastor Carl] Ruby told TPM. “It was an internal thing that we were handling and handling well.”
Since Haitians began arriving in Springfield a few years ago, Ruby has made an effort to build ties with the burgeoning community. […] However, the political attacks set off a summer of increasing misery.
That summer of increasing misery has included marches by neo-Nazi groups who have never seen a race-themed situation they could not attach themselves to like racist remoras. About a dozen members of a group called Blood Tribe marched through downtown Springfield in August, followed by its members showing up to city commission meetings to holler at Springfield’s leaders that they better stop letting Haitians settle there “before it’s too late.” They sure sound charming:
During the Springfield march, Berentz made remarks where he referenced the child killed in the car crash and suggested the city had been taken over by “degenerate third worlders.” Berentz, who uttered racial slurs and suggested Jews were behind the migrant influx, issued a call to action for people who “are tired of having to share space.”
“No longer do outsiders have to take your resources,” Berentz said. “No longer do you have to suffer the abuse of subhumans.”
Stephen Miller has probably already interviewed this guy for a job in the next Trump administration, or given him a handy, or both.
And now the threats and tension are causing worries in other Ohio locales. Spectrum News reporter Taylor Popielarz shared this email that an Ohio parent received from the Bowling Green City School District:
Holland is clear across the state from Springfield, so it seems this was not connected to the panic over Haitian immigrants — or it was; the Nazis and their fellow travelers aren’t really known for their handle on details. But you can see why school officials were nervous. They don’t need another Bowling Green Massacre on their hands.
On a slightly positive note, did you know that John Legend is a native of Springfield? It’s true! And he recorded a video talking about the influx of Haitian immigrants to his hometown over the last few years. Unsurprisingly, he is preaching patience and grace for the Haitians, pointing out that the same idiots spreading lies about them once had immigrant ancestors who faced similar bigotry. It’s very nice! We recommend giving it five minutes of your time.
And if we haven’t said it recently, fuck JD Vance into the sun.
Wonkette survives thanks to our spite for JD Vance and the generous support of our readers.