Stephen Miller’s ad hoc racist organization, America First Legal, has launched a series of radio ads in Georgia and parts of Florida that claim radical leftist President Joe Biden wants to hurt whitey. That does seem like him.
Politico obtained a recording of the ad, which it charitably describes as “one of the most openly race-based spots of the cycle, amplifying tropes that have historically been used to generate backlash to minority groups.” It’s full of the classic Reconstruction-era racist rhetoric that “subtly” encouraged if not outright promoted the violence against Black citizens that undermined their new freedom.
The ad begins, “When did racism against white people become OK? Joe Biden put white people last in line for Covid relief funds. Kamala Harris said disaster aid should go to non-white citizens first. Liberal politicians block access to medicine based on skin color. Progressive corporations, airlines, universities all openly discriminate against white Americans. Racism is always wrong. The left’s anti-white bigotry must stop. We are all entitled to equal treatment under the law.”
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Not surprisingly, Miller’s racist ad is a flaming cross of lies.
Vice President Harris never said relief for Hurricane Ian should first go to “non-white citizens.” She specifically said we need to think about “what we need to do to help restore communities and build communities back up in a way that they can be resilient — not to mention, adapt — to these extreme conditions [of climate change], which are part of the future.”
She did acknowledge the climate crisis most negatively impacts “our lowest income communities and our communities of color.” This is a true statement and not one that excludes white people, many of whom are also poor. They can’t afford Ben Shapiro’s brilliant climate change solution of selling their flooded homes to Aquaman.
Right-wing podcaster Dan Bongino — hardly the most reliable source — claimed in January 2021 that a not-yet-inaugurated President Biden was “openly recommending racial discrimination.” Here’s the quote that sent Bongino (further) out of his mind:
“Our focus will be on small businesses on Main Street that aren’t wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through no fault of their own,” Biden says. “Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian and Native American-owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild. But we’re going to make a concerted effort to help small businesses in low-income communities in big cities, small towns and rural communities that have faced systematic barriers to relief.”
Biden actively includes almost everyone who isn’t a Fortune 500 tycoon. There’s no reasonable interpretation that Biden’s excluding white people or even just white men. But there’s an unfortunate historical precedent that whenever Republicans point out that Black people are benefitting from a government program, white people immediately reject it as socialism. So Biden’s not doing anything for white people because he’s not doing everything only for them.
Miller’s ad plays to seething racial resentments and the absurd conservative victim mentality. In reality, elected Democrats make every effort to show how their policies will help all Americans, regardless of race. They’ll bring broadband to rural areas! They’ll build literal bridges in every state, now matter how the residents voted. Meanwhile, Republicans specifically targeted “blue state” residents for tax increases.
America First Legal sued the US Department of Agriculture last year because the Biden administration’s COVID relief package included a $5 billion fund aimed at debt relief for Black, Latino, and Indigenous farmers, who the government’s farm loan programs had actively discriminated against for generations. Miller considers it “racist” to correct for past discrimination, and had the gall to quote Martin Luther King in the press release announcing his suit: Farmers seeking assistance “should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
Of course, Miller would’ve condemned King when he was alive as a divisive communist, and the actual King (not the rightwing rhetorical device) supported targeted aid toward the Black community as a means of compensating for centuries of targeted discrimination.
The scumbag’s racist, lie-filled ad is running in the Augusta, Savannah, Albany, Columbus and Macon markets, as well as in Tallahassee, Florida. We’d love to say they’ll have no impact, but that’s not our current reality.
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