Big Brother 24 held its second Eviction Ceremony of the season tonight, with another member of the BB24 cast getting sent home.
Last week, no vote took place at the first Eviction Ceremony, where host Julie Chen Moonves let everyone know that because Paloma Aguilar had left the game, the two nominees were safe.
This week, Paloma popped up on social media, giving some of her thoughts about what it was like to be in the Big Brother house.
Unfortunately, the updated Big Brother TV schedule had no episode on Thursday night (July 21), meaning the Eviction Ceremony had to be taped to air later this month.
The good news, though, is that the Big Brother live feeds are up and running again, letting subscribers know who got voted off Big Brother tonight.
Heading into the Eviction Ceremony, Taylor Hale and Pooch were the two people on the block. Taylor had been a target early in the week, with Pooch volunteering to go up as a pawn. But there were murmurs of a vote shift taking place.
Who got evicted tonight on Big Brother 24?
Pooch has been evicted from Big Brother 24. The pawn went home this week, showing that, once again, pawns tend to go home if they aren’t careful while playing the game. And Taylor survived another week on the block, continuing a trend that she would love to se end.
A lot more to come from Big Brother 2022
Just three more people need to be eliminated before the BB24 jury starts forming, and that’s when things should get very interesting.
Making it to the jury stage guarantees being on the show for the rest of the summer as well, which brings along a nice paycheck for anyone who remains in the Big Brother house or the BB24 jury house for the full season.
As a reminder, this season is a bit shorter than normal, but it may not seem that way as the drama starts building and alliances start solidifying.
The next episode of Big Brother arrives on Sunday, July 24, and that’s when CBS viewers will get to see who was evicted, who became the new Head of Household, and who got nominated for eviction in Week 3.
Also, here are your spoilers about who won the Week 3 HOH Competition.
Big Brother 24 airs Sundays at 8/7c, Wednesdays at 8/7c, and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS.