Danger Force is not going anywhere. The live-action superhero series, which is a spin-off of Henry Danger, has been renewed for a third season by Nickelodeon. Starring Cooper Barnes, Michael D. Cohen, Havan Flores, Terrence Little, Dana Heath, and Luca Luhan, the series follows young superheroes in training at the Swellview Academy for the Gifted.
Production is currently underway on new episodes in Burbank, CA, per Deadline. The new season will pick up following the events of season two.
Chapa (Havan Flores), Miles (Terrence Little Gardenhigh), Mika (Dana Heath), and Bose (Luca Luhan) are forced back into their regular lives and out of Danger Force after their mothers discover their superhero secret.
A premiere date for season three of Danger Force will be announced by Nickelodeon at a later date. The second season of 26 episodes finished airing in July.
What do you think? Are you excited about the return of Danger Force?