Big Brother 13 winner Rachel Reilly has some ideas about what the show should do in the future, and it could certainly lead to an exciting season if the producers agreed with her.
It was way back in the summer of 2010 when Big Brother fans were introduced to Rachel. She was brought on as part of the BB12 cast, and so was future husband Brendon Villegas.
While Rachel didn’t win on her first appearance, she would be invited back as part of a duo (with Brendon) when the BB13 cast was put together. It’s there that she became a Big Brother winner and took home the nice $500,000 prize.
Ahead of the Big Brother 24 cast taking over the game, Rachel did an interview with Entertainment Weekly where she spoke a lot about still being a fan of the show, how she tries to keep in touch with a lot of Big Brother alums, and how she loves the Diary Room.
Rachel Reilly reveals a dream alliance on Big Brother
Imagine Rachel Reilly, Janelle Pierzina (four-time player), Danielle Reyes (BB3 winner), and Vanessa Rousso (BB17) all appearing on the same season together. That’s something that Rachel would love to see happen.
“I think the Big Brother fan base would love to see Rachel, Janelle, Danielle Reyes and Vanessa play together. This would be my DREAM COME TRUE! We all would bring a lot of strong female energy and the 4 of us would be a force,” Rachel told EW.
A Celebrity Big Brother season with former legends?
I mean, could you imagine the 4 of us together on a show,” Rachel said about the four ladies she would love to align with.
“We would have all the competitions and game play covered. Maybe we can save that for a ‘best of’ season in the Celebrity Big Brother spot. I think we could all make it happen during a 3-week season (hint… hint, CBS), and for the fun of it throw Dan/Will/Cody and a few others in for us to beat just to make it interesting ;),” Rachel went on to say.
The idea of having some of the Big Brother greats back for an abbreviated season could be very exciting, especially if the network decided to do it during the winter months. It would be a bit different than the recent Big Brother: All-Stars season, and a shorter season would open the door for more people to return.
Big Brother 24 is about to take over CBS
The Big Brother 24 schedule is about to begin, with a brand-new cast of people taking their shot at the (now) $750,000 prize. It’s going to be a lot of fun to see what they do with the new twists and turns that the producers have in store.
There is also a lot of mystery about who is playing this time, especially after the BB24 cast release date got delayed a bit longer than previous seasons. Stay tuned, because they will be off to the races very soon.
Big Brother 24 debuts July 6 on CBS.