How B2B Brands are Incorporating Generative AI [Infographic]

While generative AI is the tech trend of the moment, data shows that many B2B organizations are still hesitant to deploy gen AI tools at scale.

That’s according to a recent survey conducted by Bain and Company, which incorporates responses from over 1,000 B2B professionals in regards to how their organizations are utilizing AI in their workflow.

Part of that could be utility, in that segments of the company are not finding efficiencies from AI usage, while it may also be embedded process, and sticking with what they know.

Either way, the results suggest that there may be more opportunities for efficiency from AI, when used in a more targeted, measured manner, and that B2B brands have not yet found the best way to integrate such tools as yet.

Check out the full infographic overview below.

B2B gen AI infographic

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