Gender Impact on Business Strategies
Gender Impact on Business Strategies
Dr. Jordan Sudberg is a pain management specialist, His research examines how gender affects leadership, decision-making, and performance. He also studies how companies can use cultural levers, including changing people’s perceptions of gender, to create more effective teams. Sudberg is an internationally recognized expert in leadership and gender, as well as leading innovation inside corporations to make products more appealing to women and men alike.
1. Response to Stress
Men’s and women’s responses to stress are generally very different. Women become more emotional, and men become less emotional. Therefore, men tend to make more rational decisions under stressful situations, while women are less likely to make rational decisions under the same stress. The dominant business style assumes that the male response to stress is the most effective.
However, it has been proven that this may not be correct in some situations because we ignore female responses. For example, when a team makes decisions on an issue that could significantly impact an individual’s life and business, perhaps men will make better decisions because they are not affected by their emotions. Studies have shown that the stress hormone cortisol differs between men and women. When cortisol rises in men, they become more aggressive and physically active. In women, cortisol increases appetite and contributes to fat storage in the body.
2. Team Play
Although men and women have different brain patterns and processes, they often share strengths and weaknesses in common. The same is true in playing team sports. For example, if a team consists of ten men and two women and the unit’s objective is to achieve the highest score possible in 20 minutes, the group should assign all men responsible for defending their goal post. In contrast, all women should be assigned to the shooting position. This is because men are physically bigger, stronger, and faster.
These advantages in physical strength will make their opponent more likely to fail to score a goal. Women have advantages over men in that women are better at twirling the ball using their hips. This skill makes it more likely for them to be able to score a goal anytime they come in contact with the ball. Teams that have men and women work together more effectively when both sexes’ strengths and weaknesses are recognized, and they are used collaboratively to achieve the team’s objective.
3. Coaching
According to Dr. Jordan Sudberg, there are many instances in which gender could be a determining factor in how coaches work with and manage their players; the gender of the athlete, age, or even the type of sport. Studies have shown that boys receive more coaching than girls. This is because boys are interested in sports, exercise, and learning about different things around them when they are children. However, as they grow into young men and adolescents, they lose interest in all these things and concentrate on playing sports.
Gender is still a very controversial issue in the world. It needs to be properly addressed and implemented by the business world and governments because it will become a significant factor in the future. To do so, some changes need to be made within the organization’s culture and structure. For example, according to Sudberg, change can be brought about by restructuring, which means that both men and women have opportunities for leadership positions.