There are signs all over the place that Republicans are getting truly scared by the polls, that they’re worried things are going to slip away from them. So on an official level many of them are doing what they can to go ahead to counteract the will of the people, in legal and not-so-legal ways.
In Texas, where polling leads for Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are starting to swirl around the drain — who knows if they’ll disappear entirely? — the criminal attorney general is conducting raids to terrorize Latino voters, based on evidence of voter fraud he is shockingly unable to provide. Meanwhile, the corrupt governor says he’s purging a million names from voter rolls, including thousands of noncitizens who have been voting. Which noncitizens? He can’t say, because he’s lying.
In Georgia, as Liz Dye explains today, elected Republicans are already at work putting in place mechanisms to help them steal the election, if voters do something disobedient like choosing Kamala Harris instead of the autocratic felon and rapist.
Of course, Republicans always do these things based on flimsy claims that they have to stop Democrats from stealing and rigging the elections. They wouldn’t do these fascist things if the Democrats weren’t rigging them against poor Trump.
And in North Carolina, they have found one of them riggings!
You see, North Carolina is one of the states where Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can’t quite seem to get his name off the ballot, for the unfair reason that a bunch of them are already printed out, and go fuck a whale carcass, dude. (Also the party under which he’s running has apparently not asked. LOL.)
So that’s one way it’s rigged, obviously.
But WRAL in Raleigh is reporting that the devious Dems have managed to rig the ballot itself, by placing Trump’s name way down low, where no human can see it.
This tweet from “Red Eagle Politics” has gone viral for revealing the truth:
As you can clearly see, Kamala Harris is at the top, followed by Kennedy, then Libertarian Chase Oliver, then anti-abortion wackjob Randall Terry, then Trump, and then finally Cornel West.
Now, some of you might think, “Isn’t that just alphabetical?” THAT’S WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO THINK.
Because if you notice the other side of that ballot, they’re not always alphabetical, ARE THEY, ASSHOLE? The attorney general’s race is reverse alphabetical! The lieutenant governor and auditor order look more random than that!
OK, you can look at the community note now.
Turns out there is indeed a process for ordering names on ballots in North Carolina, a method for unskewing the alphabet, and it was followed last December. There’s a drawing, and it goes like this:
There are 26 balls in a machine, each with a letter of the alphabet. It spits one out, and that letter becomes the “first” letter alphabetically. In this year’s case, that was “D.” Therefore the ballots will go alphabetically, starting with “D.”
But then there’s another drawing! Or rather a coin flip. It decides whether the alphabet will go forward, or backward. This year it was heads, which meant the alphabet will go forward.
Therefore you have the ballot you see above, which is indeed in forward alphabetical order, starting with “D.”
There’s even a video of this year’s process, conducted by a North Carolina elections guy with the help of his teenage daughter.
WRAL notes that under this year’s rules, if Biden hadn’t dropped out, he would have been listed last. (WHICH JUST PROVES KAMALA RIGGED IT, PROBABLY!)
They also note that in 2016 and 2020, as it happened, Trump’s name was listed first.
The North Carolina MAGA brain trust isn’t convinced:
That woman votes, North Carolina. (Unless she’s a Russian bot, lots of pro-Trump accounts are.)
So better you.
[h/t JoeMyGod]
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