First, the thing! It’s coming right up!
Well would you look at that.
Well would you look at that also.
Face, leopards, Facebook.
They’re very upset about it!
That gif of the guy making jackoff hands and then it turns into glitter:
We got a demand for a correction within an HOUR on this one. We complied! (The not-Russian not-oligarch sues people a lot, including his ex-girlfriend Naomi Campbell he sued for like SEVEN YEARS for the tort of “give me my shit back.”)
Sure seems like the Texas lt. gov is a big fuckin liar!
Joe Biden Was Ready To Send FEMA Aid After Beryl Hit Texas, First Had To Play ‘Where’s Dan Patrick?’
The new kid in Congress is hilarious.
Finally, it was a very special episode of STOP IT.
See you in a minute at the presser, or bright and early for tabs!