I had the honor this week of chatting with activist and all-around badass Judy Gumbo, whose new memoir Yippie Girl details her time as a founding member of the Youth International Party (also known as The Yippies) and her tangles with the FBI, who did not extend to her the kid gloves Donald Trump treatment.
Judy was at the center of late 1960s counter-cultural activity and Yippie Girl provides an insider’s account of those days working alongside such fellow “radicals” as her late husband Stew Albert, Jerry Rubin, Nancy Kurshan, Anita and Abbie Hoffman, and Eldridge and Kathleen Cleaver. It’s a great book that’s especially relevant right now.
Judy and I discuss the ongoing struggle for freedom and what role activism can play in our current politics. Judy was an award-winning fundraiser for Planned Parenthood in Portland, so you can bet she has a lot to say about the Dobbs decision. I think you’ll enjoy! As always, please like, share, and subscribe. You can also pick up your own copy of Yippie Girl at your finest independent book stores and also on an Internet near you.
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