I could be wrong, but I absolutely believe that Trump started this whole “abortion up until the moment of birth” thing by mistake during one of the 2016 debates, and everyone just had to go along with him and pretend it was real like they do about every other bit of nonsense he comes up with. Like how he’s insisted for at least the last five years that you need an ID to buy regular groceries and somehow no one has corrected him on this.
I can honestly say that I never heard anyone claim that until he did, and I’ve spent a whole lot of years writing about the wackier pro-life people. Though it’s always possible it’s just not an act they took on the road.
Ever since he misunderstood Ralph Northam’s explanation of what happens when someone gives birth to a baby that isn’t going to survive, he’s also insisted that post-birth abortions are definitely legal, which they are obviously not.
And, at his rally yesterday, he did it again.
“If it’s after the 9th month and the baby was born you put the baby aside,” he explained. “You discuss with the mother and if the mother doesn’t want the baby we execute the baby. This is part of their thing.”
Oh yeah, that’s just part of our thing. Just a normal thing that happens in normal hospitals with perfectly healthy babies.
Not only that, it happens in the same cinematic universe in which we are still sending people to prison for “shaken baby syndrome” despite the fact that we’ve known for years that that’s not a thing.
It just all makes too much sense.
It would be nice to believe that people don’t actually believe it, but I think we have to accept at this point that there is pretty much nothing that people won’t believe.