Today is the day! The day where white conservatives look out upon the country they are pretty sure God gave to THEM AND THEM ONLY, and then quickly try to come up with a statement that suggests they like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and wouldn’t have been one of the white supremacists he fought against if they’d been alive at the same time.
Ben Shapiro admonished us all for not understanding which of Dr. King’s ideas were the good ones we’re supposed to follow, as opposed to the bad ones that were PEE-YEW GROSS.
Hate it when Ben Shapiro has to discipline us for remembering Dr. King incorrectly.
We would check to see if Shapiro’s work wife Matt Walsh also had something racist to say, but Walsh is busy taking his two days of paternity leave after the birth of twins. Walsh does not like paternity leave, because babies do not bond with daddies that young, according to him. Maybe they bond when daddy helps them send their first anti-LGBTQ+ tweet or something, we dunno.
Sorry, we digress.
You probably forgot who Jackson Lahmeyer is already because all neckbeard white conservative Christian guys look alike and he was never that famous to begin with, but he’s the extremely creepy Christian nationalist “Pastors for Trump” guy who very unsuccessfully tried to primary Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford last election cycle. He tried for extra credit in his tweet by pretending Dr. King would have been a white supremacist MAGA lunatic if he was alive today:
Hahahaha, it refers to the ONE QUOTE white conservatives know, but the rest is just white fascist babbling. It’s especially absurd when a guy like Lahmeyer refers to King as a “Bible Believing Christian,” considering how King’s Christ is a Christ Lahmeyer has pretty clearly never, ever met.
Good try, though, Pastor Neckbeard!
For our third and final thing, here’s the official GOP Twitter account.
Nice quote from the party that thrives on demonizing Black people and Hispanic people and immigrants and asylum-seekers and trans kids and drag queens and everybody else who doesn’t conform to their white fascist heterosexual Christian vision of what American society should look like.
Nice quote, indeed.
Follow Evan Hurst on Twitter right here!
And once that doesn’t exist, I’m also giving things a go at the Mastodon ( and at Post!
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