Good evening!
The finest website in the world, here with your daily news stories. But first, if you are a clever reader, you will find the “paying subscriber” button in this post and become one if you aren’t! We’re trying to get to 5,200 by the end of RIGHT NOW. Can you find it? Are you up for the quest?
OK stories:
A real asshole, this one.
That whole “spoiler” thing might be biting Donald Trump in the bottom.
Meanwhile, here’s an Oklahoma legislator who really wants to preserve their God-given right to hit disabled kids on the bottom? People are freaks.
An update on the dumb feud between NYT and the White House, Correspondents’ Dinner edition.
Happy labor news!
Some more conservatives found some Disney make-believe to be mad at.
This woman seems nice, normal.
Your Sunday shows were about Mitch McConnell.
And of course the day started with the morning tabs!
And Chapter 26 of the serial Wonkette novel on Wonkette!
OK, go read the stories so you’re prepared for tomorrow. Goodbye!
Evan Hurst on Twitter right here.
@evanjosephhurst on Threads!
I have profiles those other places but I think I forgot how to log on.
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