JD Vance, one of the only Senate candidates out there who literally looks like a furry in full costume, has decided to believe the lies about children becoming furries. Because we live in an America where people are stupid enough to believe lies that ridiculous, and JD Vance is a craven, empty soul with no abiding principles, so sure, he’ll go along with it.
Vance was on an intellectual show for very smart intellectuals, the Bill Cunningham Show, and the host — he’s really stupid — was just RANTIN’.
Cunningham said that in Mason, Ohio, there are “some students who identify as cats!” And he said “they bring kitty litter with them to school!” And he said “some identify as dogs and they have to be called Fido and little pussycats instead of human beings!”
“Now that is ridiculous!” he said.
And he said parents like JD Vance “will not be notified if your child wants to socially transition to a different gender or to an animal species. You talk about difficulty as a father, as a mother, should you be entitled to know if your seven-year-old identifies as a chipmunk?”
That was his question for a man running for the United States Senate. Should you be told if your child decides to identify as a chipmunk. Because that’s a thing kids are doing. They’re transitioning to chipmunks. At school. And the school won’t tell you if your child decides to become a chipmunk.
And JD Vance said out loud with his whole entire mouth, with a serious dad voice, that “I think I very much am entitled to know that!”
He added that this is a “crazy point we’ve reached in this country” where “schools are doing this stuff without the approval of parents” or that “schools are doing this at all.”
Yes, what a crazy point we have reached, where the schools are letting the children identify as chipmunks or dogs or pussycats and bring their own kitty litter from home, and JD Vance is the serious candidate for serious people who want to stop these serious problems from happening. (By the way, he and Tim Ryan are TIED, according to the latest poll. Let’s bring this home, Ohio.)
Pretty sure if one of JD Vance’s kids went to school looking like a furry it would only be because it was Dress Up As Your Dad Day, and since their dad is literally just an adult-sized pile of human butt hair with Aryan blue eyes peeping through, well that’d be their costume.
Could be mistaken for a furry.
Please please please can Herschel Walker fall for the furry hoax? We need to hear him tell the story.
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