Oh boy, Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville — AKA Tommy The Tubs AKA Tubby the Toms AKA Tibbity Tobbity Tubs AKA Tubity Tobbity Tibs AKA Tubble Bubbles — well he is just on a roll with the smartness and the talkings and like such as!
Fresh off his Birth of a Nation-style rant claiming Black people want reparations for people who do crimes, Tuberville went on Newsmax to talk with host Eric Bolling about the Great Replacement Theory.
But wait, it’s not what you think! This is a whole different Great Replacement Theory, not remotely like the one Tucker Carlson is always talking about, or the one that inspires all the racist antisemitic mass shootings.
Also Bolling and Tuberville talked about different replacement theories from each other. We guess white MAGA Republicans all have different replacement theories, depending on how they feel that day.
Here is Eric Bolling’s Great Replacement Theory:
Before the Left selectively edits this comment I want everyone to realize that, listen to the whole comment, listen to the end of this comment, I believe that this is all about a great replacement theory, I believe it.
But not the Great Replacement Theory that the Left is accusing us of being racist and complaining about.
Eric Bolling believes in a Great Replacement Theory that isn’t racist. Oh no, is it a WOKE Great Replacement Theory?
The Great Replacement Theory isn’t replacing white people, it’s replacing conservatives of all colors.
All the colors of the conservative rainbow.
Go to any Trump rally, you’ll see them, they are light white and leathery white and sunburned white and summer tan white and all other kinds of white too.
It won’t matter, they are trying to bring Democrats and liberals in and replace conservatives by opening the border.
You know how it is, when Democrats leave Central America to cross the border and force conservatives to move out of their houses by declaring “YOU’RE REPLACED!”
So that is Eric Bolling’s Great Replacement Theory. It is still racist, no matter what he says.
Now here is the Tubs Theory of Great Replacements, one that seems to be designed purely to stick it to the libs. In Tommy Tuberville’s version, Theory Greatly Replace YOU! And by YOU, he means … well, see if you can figure out what the fuck he means.
I agree with you. But the problem they’re going to have is there are going to be a lot of conservatives in this group because there’s a lot of Christians coming across that border and they’re trying to wipe Christianity out in this country and they’re letting more in than is not.
Uh oh, Tibbitty Tubbitty Boo found the fatal flaw of Democrats’ Great Replacement Theory, we think? Or that’s what he thinks?
Because, you see, by doing open borders (not doing open borders) the Democrats are bringing in Hispanic Christian lovers of Jesus, which is counterproductive to their OTHER goal of “wipe Christianity out.” Dumb Democrats, you just got outsmarted by Tubber Blubbers the Clown!
I think they’re going to be surprised by the Hispanic vote coming up in eight days.
I think they’re going to be shocked and hopefully they are because if they’re in this country now, they’re part of our country and they need to make sure that we keep it the way it is and not what they came from.
Let us see if we can follow this. Tubbily Beebly Bottom says Democrats are gonna be shocked in the midterms, because the Hispanics — the ones the Democrats open bordered into America — are part of our country now and those Hispanics are gonna want to keep America the way it is instead of making it like the places they came from, which are Democrat and liberal. Is that it?
We do not regret snatching the Senate’s Dumbest Republican tiara from Ron Johnson’s bigass head and giving it to Tubs. Not for one moment ever.
The end.
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