Peruse if you will a few video clips.
Republican Senator Chuck Grassley is “not interested in whether the allegations against Vice President Biden are accurate or not.”
He’s not interested in whether the allegations are accurate or not.
But isn’t there a document at the FBI? Hasn’t Chuck Grassley seen it? Doesn’t it say Joe Biden did a buncha bads? “Let’s put it this way, there are accusations in it,” said Grassley on Fox News this morning.
But what about the FORMMMMMMM? Haven’t Grassley and House Oversight Committee Banjo Deliverance Moron Dumbfuck Pork-Brained Idiot James Comer been saying the FBI has a FORRMMMMMMMMMMM? And doesn’t FORRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM say that Joe Biden did a stinky in a place with a people and a thing?
Comer has been presenting pretty hard evidence that Joe Biden did a stinky in a place with a people and a thing! (Jingle jangle dingle dangle banjo banjo STRUM!) And as soon as he finds some a-them whistleblower informant thingies he’s lost, he’s gonna blow this Biden scandal wide open! (Time for singin’, time for jokes! Gather ’round and join us, folks! Hee-hee! Hee-haw-haw! Hee-hee! Hee-haw-haw!)
Well, Comer explained yesterday that he had a call with FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Comer said Wray told him there is a form, and the form says a thing, but Wray won’t give him the form, the form what says the thing. And NOOOOOW? Now Comer gonna have to do CONTEMPTS to Chris Wray! (Yeeeee HAW! It’s time for a hoedown!)
Wray offered to let him see the form, though.
We have been making fun of James Comer and Chuck Grassley, but mostly James Comer, for quite a while about his pathetic investigations. He’s just a devastatingly stupid man. And he cannot seem to keep himself from standing in front of TV cameras and telling us how stupid he is. We can’t even keep up with it. Every five seconds it seems like he’s on TV, admitting accidentally that his loser clown probes into Hunter Biden’s penis are simply meant to hurt Joe Biden. (Remember when Kevin McCarthy did thatvis à vis Hillary and Benghazi? Guess who’s stupider than Kevin McCarthy.)
Well listen.
We have a surprise, and it is that the document that James Comer is huffing paint about, the one he’s just been pretty sure the FBI has, is one of the paint-huffing documents Rudy Giuliani gave the FBI back in 2020. Remember that? Back when Rudy would go to Ukraine, get some documents from Russian spies, and then come back to America and pull them out of his underpants and try to get then-attorney general Bill Barr to smell them? Yeah those.
Bill Barr was so impressed with Rudy Giuliani’s “evidence” that he got a US attorney in western Pennsylvania named Scott Brady to handle the very important task of sifting through the “Ukraine evidence” on the Bidens provided by Giuliani. Literally everything Rudy had to share about the Bidens was a bath salts-grade conspiracy theory, and yes, some it came from the Kremlin, and it had all been roundly debunked.
In other words, Barr stuffed this shit in Pittsburgh because it was too stupid even for him to deal with.
That’s apparently where this document came from that Comer’s got his farm dog lipstick out about. Does this mean Rudy’s wet farts are James Comer’s “informant” and/or “whistleblower”? LMAO. Kinda sounds like it.
More from Zachary Cohen’s reporting:
In short, the document is probably almost certainly not true, could very well be Russian disinformation, but James Comer doesn’t care. He’s just trying to hurt the Bidens, as he’s accidentally admitted.
Rudy didn’t care if he was colluding with Russian spies before the 2020 election, but he was pretty sure his dirt on the Bidens was true anyway, because obviously. Rudy and GOP Senator Ron Johnson blew off defensive briefings from the FBI trying to tell them that there were Russian spies crawling up their pantlegs. They didn’t care.
Rudy And Ron Johnson Blew Off FBI Warnings About Russian Spies Because PFFFFFFFT DEEP STATE!
Rudy Giuliani: Americans Deserve To Hear My Easily Debunked Russian Spy Lies!
This is all the same goddamned fucking story, over and over and over and over again. it’s the same story Donald Trump was impeached for, when he tried to force Ukraine to help him steal the election. It’s the same story, ever since Russian spies started shoving this shit down Trump people’s pants back in 2018 or so. And that story connects to the story of Russia helping Trump “win” the 2016 election.
And now James Comer is back at the same trough, seeing what he can slurp out of it.
Here, piggy piggy.
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