Billionaire shitposter and waste of perfectly good atoms Elon Musk has a clear moral outlook, which is that Elon Musk is the smartest person who ever lived and therefore just about the most important person on Planet Earth. Ergo, anything that’s good for Elon Musk is good for the world, while anything that’s bad for Elon Musk is bad for the world. So it stands to reason that Musk would be awfully peeved after news broke that billionaire investor George Soros sold off all of his stock in Tesla, the electric car company Musk owns and occasionally gives thought to when he’s not trying to make everyone on Twitter love him.
The most likely explanation for Soros’s decision is that he’d bought lots of Tesla shares when the stock price was in freefall last year, and saw an opportunity to take some profits when the company’s stock rebounded in the first quarter of this year. (Good call, too, since Tesla shares have fallen 11 percent in the last month.) The most likely explanation to Musk, apparently, is that Soros is a comic book supervillain.
Last night, with no context at all, Musk tweeted, “Soros reminds me of Magneto,” a reference to the mutant Marvel nemesis of the Wolverine-Men. Because Twitter’s algorithm has been janked to goose the Great Thinker’s tweets, the tweet has been viewed well over 28 million times as I write this, and probably that’ll be well over 35 million by the time I write another couple paragraphs. Update: Just after this post went up, it was already into long-tail territory, and still only at 30 million views. Never trust Wonkette!
That’s not just comic-book nerdery of course, because George Soros is the go-to bad guy for whatever bug is up rightwingers’ asses, with the HE’S A JEW!!!! part right out loud or comfortably left in the background, because antisemitic hate is kind of a given with references to how George Soros controls American and world politics somehow. At this point there might be two or three rightwingers out there who don’t know that “Soros” is a stand-in for “The Jews control everything,” but there’s no way in the multiverse that Elon Goddamn Musk is unaware of that.
Brian Krassenstein, a guy on Twitter, pointed out to Musk that part of what makes Magneto an interesting supervillain is his backstory:
Fun fact: Magneto’s experiences during the Holocaust as a survivor shaped his perspective as well as his depth and empathy. Soros, also a Holocaust survivor, get’s attacked nonstop for his good intentions which some Americans think are bad merely because they disagree with this political affiliations.
To expand that for non-geeks, Magneto’s experiences as a Jewish Holocaust survivor who saw his community wiped out convinced him that humans intended to commit genocide against superpowered mutant persons, and needed to be stopped by any means necessary. (Yes, that’s an oversimplification, we know he can also be seen as an antihero and also has helped the X-Files Mans on occasion.) We’d also add that part of the rightwing hate focused on Soros is straight out of Russian propaganda, because he supported the democratic movement in Ukraine that ousted Putin’s buddy Viktor Yanukovych. He’s also regularly the target of smears from Hungary’s Viktor Orban.
Musk, who apparently lacks the knack for subtlety that even comic superhero stories can manage, replied that no, Soros may actually be worse than the fictional Magneto:
You assume they are good intentions. They are not. He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity.
So yeah, that’s certainly how evil cartoon supervillains behave: They literally hate humanity and want to destroy civilization, because they’re just plain evil, and you’re a fool if you believe they have good intentions. We don’t actually know of any real human beings who sought to end the world or destroy all civilization (even modern avatars of evil like Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot had definable political objectives other than “I hate humanity”). But sure, George Soros seeks to ruin everything, if you’re a fucking antisemitic idiot who believes in conspiracy stories, which are also generally less plausible than many comic book plots.
There were a few souls who asked Musk just what the hell he was slobbering about this time, like former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, who doesn’t believe in nonmetaphorical ghosts:
What data support this hypothesis? In the post communist world Soros has invested heavily in supporting civil society, the very people trying rebuild humanity after decades of communist inhumanity. (I’m not an expert on his activities in other places.)
And then the Fox News addicts were all up in the replies with the news of how Soros has funded all the crime by sometimes supporting the campaigns of reformist district attorneys. Why? Because he loves criminals, as any supervillain does, duh. And the usual Musk-humping dipshits showed up to explain that anyone questioning Musk is clearly under the influence of George Soros’s mind control, another prominent feature of superhero narratives.
Also too, for further context, some smartass went and pointed out that it’s pretty weird that Musk is so frightened of the supposed world-changing influence of a guy who, sure, is a billionaire, but whose net worth ($6.7 billion) is a fraction not only of Musk’s net worth ($176.9 billion, depending on what he’s tweeting), but also a fraction of the $44 billion Musk paid to buy Twitter:
Also also Musk last night went even more full on racist than usual, tweeting his approval of posts claiming that Black people are inexplicably violent and shouldn’t be allowed to star in streaming series, the end.
[Forbes / Daily Beast / The Street]
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