Here come more corroborations and allegations of CPAC organizer Matt Schlapp making unwanted sexual advances at men while we imagine his awful wife Mercedes Schlapp wasn’t anywhere nearby.
Specifically, CNN’s got more texts from the night in question during Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign. To briefly recap, the male Walker staffer says Schlapp “groped” and “fondled” him and “grabbed my junk and pummeled it at length” and tried to pressure him into coming back to his hotel room. The next day, after the staffer expressed in texts that he was extremely creeped out by what had happened, Schlapp started begging to see if the staffer could “see it in your heart to call me” that day. (Herschel Walker’s gay conservative son Christian called that a “typical predator move.” It does sound pretty manipulative, if true!)
Schlapp continues to deny all this through his attorney.
But CNN now has texts the staffer sent someone who is also active in politics pretty much right after the alleged assault happened, after the staffer refused to go to Schlapp’s hotel room.
“He’s pissed I didn’t follow him to his hotel room,” the staffer wrote.
“I’m so sorry man,” the acquaintance responded. “What a f**king creep.”
The staffer later texted, “I just don’t know how to say it to my superiors thst heir [sic] surrogate fondled my junk without my consent.”
Here’s CNN’s video report breaking the news:
And here’s a screengrab showing those new texts:
We don’t know who the staffer was texting and we obviously can’t see the full exchange here, but it sure sounds like the staffer isn’t having to fill his friend in on a lot of specific details. There’s no text there saying WHA-WHA-WHAT?! like Kyle’s mom on “South Park,” where the friend expresses their shock that Matt Schlapp is creeping on dudes late at night.
While the accuser’s identity is still secret, CNN describes him as “an experienced political strategist who has worked on a number of high profile national and statewide campaigns.” CNN confirms earlier details about the staffer recording videos memorializing the details of what happened, and that the staffer reported it to the Walker campaign first thing the next morning. CNN also still has the line that’s been in all the stories so far, about how the staffer says they’ll come forward if Schlapp denies all this publicly. So that’ll be an interesting moment, if and when it comes to pass.
In related news, JoeMyGod points us to something that was said over on Telegram, somebody else that’s making an accusation.
Two things can be true at the same time. Milo can be one of the vilest, most disgusting, most un-credible people on the planet. He also could have been creeped on by Matt Schlapp, just like he says. We will note that before Milo’s supposed “ex-gay” conversion, he was known for trying to shock conservatives by talking loudly and frequently about how much he liked to have sex with Black guys, so the alleged crack about Schlapp being “the wrong skin color” tracks with what we know.
Will be interesting to see if anybody else comes forward.
In other Schlappenings, Mercedes says you can pry her gas stove out of her cold dead hands, not that anybody was actually threatening to take hers away.
Despite one million people asking her in the comments, she has not yet said whether she’s keeping her gross husband, so we’ll just assume she’s still supportive of the statement she retweeted from American Conservative Union (ACU) board members that called this an attack on the Schlapps by the Daily Beast.
And NBC News, we guess.
And now CNN, we guess.
Yep, all these media organizations got the story nailed down. It is obviously a conspiracy!
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