Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale legally purchased seven guns at Nashville area gun shops in recent years, keeping them hidden from their parents in the home where they all lived. The shooter’s parents were under the impression that Hale had only a single gun, and that Hale had sold it. Hale was seeing a doctor for an “undisclosed emotional disorder,” according to Nashville police. [AP]
There’s been another weird twist in the case of Adnan Syed, the subject of the Serial podcast that sparked all the other true crime podcasts that aren’t as good. Syed’s conviction in the 1999 murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee was overturned last September, because a judge agreed the prosecution had failed to turn over potentially exonerating evidence to the defense. But on Tuesday, a Maryland appeals court reinstated the conviction, finding that Lee’s brother, Young Lee, hadn’t been given time to attend the hearing where the conviction was overturned. He did view the hearing via video. The appeals court said the lower court that vacated the conviction must hold
“a new, legally compliant, transparent hearing” on the prosecutors’ motion to vacate, “where Mr. Lee is given notice of the hearing that is sufficient to allow him to attend in person, evidence supporting the motion to vacate is presented, and the court states its reasons in support of its decision.”
The appeals court then delayed that order for 60 days so the parties could decide how they’ll proceed. Weird. [AP / WaPo]
Peter Frampton observes that to stop school shootings, all that’s needed is The Art Of (Gun) Control:
I have posted this before but ..
26 years ago, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School in Scotland, killing 16 kids and a teacher.
The UK govt responded by enacting tight gun control legislation.
In the 9400+ days since, there have been a total of O school shootings in the UK.
Frampton Stays Alive.
Nebraska’s Teacher of the Year for 2022, Renee Jones, says that Kirk Penner, the vice chair of the state board of Education, has been bullying her on social media because she attended, on her own dime, a teachers’ conference where she went to a drag queen story hour and posted that it was pretty neat. Penner has also tweeted that Nebraska children need to be “protected” from “radical agendas,” and fibbed that taxpayer funds had been used for Jones to attend the conference, claiming it was “encouraging childrens books of men dressed as women.” [Omaha World-Herald]
In the ongoing competition to create the most draconian anti-abortion laws following the elimination of Roe v. Wade last year, the Idaho state House has created an entirely new crime! House Bill 242 would criminalize helping minors who try to get an abortion in states that still allow the procedure, or by helping them get abortion drugs, without their parental consent. The new crime, “abortion trafficking,” applies to any
adult who, with the intent to conceal an abortion from the parents or guardian of a pregnant, unemancipated minor, either procures an abortion … or obtains an abortion-inducing drug” for the minor.
The bill cleverly avoids criminalizing crossing state lines for an abortion; instead, an aunt could be arrested for driving a pregnant underage niece toward Oregon or Washington with the intent of getting abortion care. Or for that matter, taking the girl to the Post Office to pick up a package of abortion medication. We’ll let you know whether the bill gets anywhere in the state Senate, which in the past has often refused to bring up the crazier bills passed in the House. [HuffPo]
Take a moment to listen to Senate Chaplain Barry C. Black asking, in his opening prayer Tuesday, for members of that body to “move beyond thoughts and prayers” and to take action to end the sacrifice of children on the altar of the Second Amendment.
“Lord, deliver our senators from the paralysis of analysis that waits for the miraculous. Use them to battle the demonic forces that seek to engulf us. We pray, in your powerful name, amen.” A prayer that this atheist can endorse 100 percent. [WaPo on Twitter]
If you’re able read it without hurling your computer or mobile device across the room, this ProPublica exposé of how the insurer Cigna has doctors reject claims without even reading them is pretty astonishing. Please be sure you’ve taken your high blood pressure meds before reading, since any resulting symptoms may or may not be covered by your insurance. America! [ProPublica]
OK, now you can feel a bit better by seeing a neat thing in the damn night sky: Five planets will be all lined up like trained Weimaraners in the sky this week, at least if you have clear skies and a view of the western horizon. [CBS News on YouTube]
A study by the British Psychological Society argues that Dad Jokes are good for child development, because the groaners allegedly “build their children’s resilience and train them to withstand minor attacks and bouts of negative emotion without getting worked up or acting out, teaching them impulse control and emotional regulation.” It’s a kind of linguistic roughhousing that supposedly builds character. []
Heck, having done my own darn dissertation on learning about the world through parodies, I’d argue that dad jokes are also an introduction to the basic playfulness of language, and why do you need to emphasize the aggression side of it when the puzzle-solving aspect of humor is just plain more fun? Phooey on you, Thomas Hobbes, I say PHOOEY!
Some calls it a catloaf, but I calls it a catboat, mmm-hmmm. Here is your dose of Thornton, looking quite snug on a bathroom shelf. (He owns two levels of towels, but only the ones on top.)
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