Sending email drip campaigns and follow-up messages, arranging sales calls, sending invoices, and posting on social media are chores that would take a lot of time and effort if done manually. An advanced marketing automation strategy could be all you need to manage your customer relationships.
What exactly is advanced marketing automation software, and how does it function?
Any business may use marketing automation software to become more organized, increase sales, improve customer service, and save time. They can completely change tiny businesses. The software is the infrastructure that enables background automation, equivalent to having your assistant.
What is the marketing automation process?
We all have manual, repetitive jobs like reminders, follow-ups, reporting, and email composition. These responsibilities aren’t difficult, but they take your attention away from more critical tasks that impact the bottom line.
You can set up those manual operations once and forget about them with advanced marketing automation. Automated campaigns can be run in the background while you focus on larger initiatives.
At their most basic level, marketing automation systems provide personalized material to leads based on their behavior and data to close more sales.
Consider the case below:
- Prospective clients are sent an email invitation to a webinar about your service or product.
- To attend the webinar, leads must fill out a form. If they respond positively, they will be added to a new email list (this is done through your marketing automation tool).
- An email nurture campaign is automatically delivered to everyone on that list. It begins with an email expressing gratitude to everyone who attended the webinar. They receive an email with a link to a case study about a similar topic.
In addition, leads who download the case study are delivered to your sales team for further investigation (because these leads are much more qualified and further down the buying process).
Below, we’ll go through marketing automation in further depth. The importance of email marketing, how to choose the best marketing automation software, and more will be discussed.
How can small businesses benefit from marketing automation?
Marketing automation isn’t just for big businesses with a lot of money and many consumers.
It has a big influence on businesses of all sizes, especially small enterprises with limited time and resources. With the right tools, such as Keep, small businesses may quickly learn to use marketing automation to achieve their goals.
What precisely does marketing automation entail?
Build relationships: New customers rarely buy the first time they hear about a brand, so marketing automation, such as tailored emails, is critical for establishing and maintaining that relationship. Regular, intelligent emails can help your audience understand your products and mission better, resulting in higher conversion rates.
Following up with potential customers: Customers who visit your website, abandon their cart, or even write in with a customer support question may receive follow-up emails to help them finish the transaction. Follow-up reminders and marketing automation will keep your sales team top of the most qualified leads.
Consider the consumer’s journey: the more information you have about your customer, the better. You can track the customer journey with marketing automation and observe how long it takes on average for a consumer to complete a transaction, what information they desire, and which marketing assets convert the best.
Social media automation: You may use apps like Hootsuite and Buffer to automate the publication of all your posts once you’ve produced the caption, copy, image, links, and hashtags. Automatic posting saves time, maintains brand consistency, and helps you think more analytically and strategically instead of reacting to spontaneous thoughts.
Automated reports: You can save endless hours on data visualization and fundamental analysis by automating your reports. You’ll need several tools, including Google Analytics, Tableau, and Power BI. With bespoke graphics and a very little scripting, you can simply automate report generation. You should have a data source connected to these platforms for report development. Google Analytics’ data collecting and reporting features are both available without coding.
Using a chatbot simplifies communication: A chatbot, in its most basic form, is a pre-programmed responder with pre-programmed responses, links, and questions that can automatically assist your consumers when they visit your website for the first time. In the B2B world, chatbots can save time and money by lowering bounce rates, collecting client data, and freeing up personnel.
Marketing automation can be a game-changer for small businesses. It can, however, help you live the life you want. Lead scoring, sorting and nurturing increase conversions by focusing on customers with the biggest buying power.