In a new feature from Empire Magazine, based around their cover story of Marvel’s upcoming Secret Invasion series, they revealed a new image of star Samuel L. Jackson as former S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury, as well as disclosing some new information about the series itself.
In keeping with most Marvel Cinematic Universe shows on Disney+, the series will run for six episodes – although unlike others, this one will have a consistent run-time perhaps hinting at the more dramatic side. While shows like Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk would regularly hit around the half-hour mark, perfect for their light and frothy approaches, Secret Invasion has been set for six hour-long episodes which is more in keeping with dramatic shows across streaming platforms. Given the darker nature of the story, this is probably more appropriate.
Secret Invasion sees a covert war taking place on Earth when a rogue group of Skrulls, first introduced to audiences in Captain Marvel, infiltrates our population which draws Fury back to the planet in an attempt to stop the invasion before it gets out of hand. The storyline is from the comics which saw a Skrull infiltration of Earth and eventually led to Secret Wars – which will be the sixth Avengers movie.
Where Do We Find Nick Fury During Secret Invasion?
Jackson has recently spoken about where we find Fury’s character in the wake of the events audiences have seen, and characters have lived through, in the past five years. As the man responsible for putting together the Avengers Initiative, it’s only natural for him to feel some form of guilt, responsibility, and even regret over those he recruited having lost their lives trying to fix what happened when Thanos snapped half of humanity from existence in Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame.
“Even Nick Fury can be shaken, you know? He’s up there trying to process what the fuck happened, you know? And what his place in the world is. The death of Iron Man, the death of Black Widow, with that stuff going on he just kind of checked out. Now, he just doesn’t wear the patch. The patch is part of who the strong Nick Fury was. It’s part of his vulnerability now. You can look at it and see he’s not this perfectly indestructible person. He doesn’t feel like that guy.”
Secret Invasion launches on Disney+ on June 21, 2023. It will consist of six episodes, and it stars Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Emilia Clarke, Cobie Smulders, Martin Freeman, Don Cheadle,Kingsley Ben-Adir, and Olivia Colman. Check out our interview with Clarke below: