The second season of Adult Swim’s frenetically violent, animated action-adventure series, Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, has just received a new trailer. The show will be returning to Adult Swim later this month, and will also be available to stream on HBO Max. Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal is an acclaimed series that is set in a hypnotic prehistoric-like society and follows the symbiotic relationship between a Neanderthal and a Tyrannosaurus as they roam through their strange world just trying to survive. Aaron LaPlante provides almost all the show’s voices. The series was notable in its first season for seamlessly combining many genres including action, adventure, drama, fantasy, horror, and thriller.
The brief 45-second trailer opens with rave reviews for the first season, with hailing it as an “intense, powerful, and brutal masterpiece.” The first bit of footage from the new season of this hidden gem of a show is a beautifully animated shot of Fang the Tyrannosaurus jumping through erupting volcanoes. This shot is followed by text saying that the first season won five Emmys. The teaser then erupts into an abrasive showcase of snippets from the series’ second season, including flashes of intense violent action that is sure to excite fans and bring in new ones as well.
The first season of Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal premiered in October 2019. A film that retold the first four episodes of the series was thenscreened in Beverly Hills later on in 2019 under the title Primal: Tales of Savagery, and was also submitted in the Best Animated Feature category for the 92nd Academy Awards, although it never received an actual nomination. The freshman season was broken up into two parts, with the second part premiering in fall 2020. The first season was praised by critics and received many accolades including an Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program. The show currently holds a rare 100 percent fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Film composer Tyler Bates, who is known for scoring many horror films including Rob Zombie’s Halloween and its sequel, as well as Zach Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead, provides the score for Primal alongside Joanne Higginbottom. Bates also scored all the John Wick films.
Genndy Tartakovsky, who created and directs Primal, is a pioneer in animation who has worked on many hit shows including The Powerpuff Girls, Dexter’s Laboratory, and Samurai Jack. Tartakovsky also directed the first three films in the Hotel Transylvania franchise and is currently slated to direct the upcoming films Fixed, Black Knight, and Popeye.
The first episode of Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal‘s second season will air on Adult Swim on July 21 at midnight before it becomes available to stream on HBO Max the next day.
Check out the trailer below: