General stats and information help to illustrate why a career in this diverse and valuable industry is such a great option. Content can be found within the three key sections of the site: Get inspired, Get informed, and Get involved.
The UKFT Futures platform is open to a wide range of users, including new entrants, career changers, career advisors, and educators.
This shows that the platform is designed to help anyone who is interested in exploring career opportunities in the fashion and textile industry.
It has been developed with the support from the Textile Livery Group.
Get inspired allows users to discover stories and profiles from across the industry; Get informed is where users can explore the industry, sub-sectors and job roles within it; and Get involved helps users to find their path into industry using specialist guides and resources
Users of the platform will be new entrants, people wishing to progress their career or find a new direction, those wishing to turn a hobby into a career, parents, career advisors and educators. The community will receive regular newsletters and social media activity that highlight opportunities within the sector alongside wider information, advice and guidance about getting into and getting on in fashion and textiles, UKFT said in a press release.
A campaign is underway to attract new talent into industry by helping businesses and training providers promote opportunities to the UKFT Futures community. These may include jobs, apprenticeships, internships or other vocational training opportunities.
UKFT will promote Futures and the industry across the UK at a series of physical, regional careers fairs this autumn. Employers and training providers will be encouraged to promote local job and training opportunities alongside the regional events. In collaboration with industry and key partners the platform will continue to grow, new content will keep being created and opportunities across the industry promoted.
“This exciting new platform represents a great opportunity for the industry to showcase the amazing things it does and the brilliant range of careers within it,” said Adam Mansell, CEO UKFT.
Fibre2Fashion News Desk (RR)