If you haven’t tried one for yourself, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the appeal of Chanel nail polishes is their designer name, but that’s not the case. The preferred lacquer of countless session and celebrity nail artists, Chanel nail polishes are known for their ultra-glossy finish, quick setting times, and hard-wearing durability. But which are the best Chanel nail polishes to invest in, and which are the most popular? To find out, we reached out to Chanel and big names in the manicure world who use them daily to find out.
Direct from Chanel HQ, we quickly learned that Rouge Noir is indisputably its most popular and iconic nail shade. Chanel launched Rouge Noir, a very dark reddish-black, at its A/W 94 show in Paris. The colour was virtually created on the runway, as beauty guru Heidi Morawetz mixed black and red to create the effect she was looking for. After its debut, the shade was then worn by Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction, which inevitably sent its cult status rocketing. Since its launch, Chanel’s sales of nail enamels have increased manifold.