Rajesh Gupta, former design director at Levi’s India, collaborated with Jindal Worldwide, on the ‘Denim Eye Powered by Jindal Textiles’ project. This was a trendspotting competition aimed at reading denim trends on the streets of India. Members of the design fraternity were encouraged to capture Indian street fashion and upload the pictures on their Instagram page and #denimeyeindia2022—an Instagram page created by Jindal Worldwide to create a repository of these trends. This page is available in the public domain for all denim aficionados, Jindal Textiles said in a press release.
The competition was designed to bring together talented young designers, trendsetters, and influencers in the fashion industry to share their visions and ideas for the future of denim. Gupta and Jindal’s collaboration on this project is a testament to their commitment to promoting innovation and creativity in the denim industry. The Denim Eye project is an important initiative that will help shape the future of the denim industry in India, and as it continues to inspire and inform the sector.
Jindal Textiles has launched the Denim Eye collection. The collection was developed based on feedback from fashion students from top Indian institutes who spotted real-time national denim trends. The result is a collection that represents what people wear on the streets every day, showcasing their personal style through various fits, colours, washes.
The Denim Eye 2022 collection of fabrics has turned out to be the perfect solution for Indian brands and retailers as it is based on consumer insights garnered from primary research. It incorporated initial feedback from roadshows held in Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore, and has become a big hit with fashion-forward brands and retailers looking for the latest in denim styles, added the release.
Fibre2Fashion News Desk (NB)