Are you looking to invest in a designer handbag but don’t know where to start? We hear you. A classic bag can set you back thousands, and with the ever-changing fashion industry always moving onto the next It item or designer, the trends we’re shopping now might be gone in 18 months’ time. At Who What Wear, we want to shop differently and take a more sustainable approach to fashion, and anything we recommend comes with an emphasis on longevity and wearability—pieces you’ll buy now but love forever. We also champion rented and pre-loved pieces, and right now, it’s easier than ever to shop premium designer brands online without having to trawl through vintage stores.
If you’ve ever Googled a Prada Cleo and found a deal that seemed too good to be true, you aren’t alone. Concern about authenticity online is an important issue, but to help put your mind at ease, eBay has extended its authenticity guarantee to include designer handbags, too.