England has re-introduced beavers to the wild! (Natural England)
A Scottish kebab pie has beat out 900 other pies to be named the “pie of pies” at the British pie awards. (BBC)
Japanese scientists have begun a clinical trial to see if gene editing can make humans grow a third set of teeth. Said researcher Katsu Takahashi, “growing new teeth is every dentist’s dream.” (Popular Mechanics)
Australia is considering joining the “coalition of the willing” to support Ukraine. Time to dust off that giant boot! (Kyiv Independent)
Students in Serbia have been protesting government corruption since a railway-station canopy collapse there in November killed 15, and they are still at it. There have also been ongoing mass anti-corruption protests in Greece since February 28, the second anniversary of a rail crash there that killed 57. Right-wing governments, they are really bad at infrastructure, and accountability. (AP / Guardian)
The Swedes have launched a boycott of US goods. (Euro News)
Not boycotting Swedish goods: Big Balls and minions, who have reportedly turned part of the 6th floor of the General Services Administration building into four bedrooms that they’re sleeping in, “complete with beds from IKEA, lamps and dressers.” And the GSA is considering spending $25,000 (!) to install a washer and dryer for them. If you have ever lived with a teenage boy, you can now smell this story through your screen. (Politico archive link)
Thousands of American students are stranded around the world after funds from the Department of State were abruptly cut off, which is some real collapsing-banana-republic shit! (NY Times archive link)
That Asshole has signed an executive order instructing administration officials to not forgive student loans for students working in nonprofits that help undocumented immigrants, or support diversity initiatives or gender-affirming care for children, right after cutting off $400 million to Columbia University. Shameless restrictions of free speech? You Betcha! Throw some more lawsuits on the pile. He sure seems scared of students. (NY Times archive link / GSA)
Telsa is on the skids as people quit buying Muskmobiles, and dealerships, cars and charging stations have been vandalized all over the world. Won’t somebody think of the shareholders?! (Washington Post archive link)
Ya Don’t Say Department: age-verification laws for porn were a snout in the tent for a broader surveillance system disguised as a safety measure. (EFF)
Trump firing the head of the organized crime drug task force so he can make drugs great again. (Reuters)
At least there’s a new Randy Rainbow parody, and it is wicked good!
Be the change you want to see in Rebecca’s kids’ public Detroit elementary school, where the district is facing between $30 and $80 million in cuts next year, and buy the pizzas. Buy the fucking pizzas everybody. They’ll FedEx em right to your door. Pizzas. (Pizzas.)
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