Welcome to Wonkette’s end of day news roundup, where I just copy and paste all the day’s Wonkette stories!
What news did we shovel at you today?
Oh no! Not Joe Bi’en!
Here is some Also Joe Biden Good News Again!
This one’s really funny and it’s about how mad Trump is that Charlie Kirk is getting sooooo rich off him, plus whatever the headline was about.
This one, as all attempted Tim Walz sacks are, is pathetic.
You are allowed to feel good, we permit it!
I have a feeling they’re going to be rolling out new indictments for the next two months.
I keep getting Actually Shocked! I should stop that!
This is important and good for Liz Cheney.
And I gave you a morning news roundup, as is my habit. In fact I’m writing tomorrow’s right now!
See you bright and early for tabs!