Look who’s going to vote to make sure Old Joe beats “uncommitted” in Michigan!
It me! And yes, we’ll be selling you those temporary tattoos and so many others just as soon as we get them uploaded to the Wonkette Bazaar, so like tomorrow!
Now on to our Wonkette day in news!
You had Tabs by Evan! (Mondays are my day off. We obviously write tabs the night before, not at like “4 am that morning,” duh.)
You had dumb Kenneth Chesebro bein’ a real dumb dick!
Robyn is verklempt with these idiots all the time.
Today in labor history! DETROIT WOMEN!
This guy still doing his this guy thing.
That’s weird, a supposed communist I know and love says China is perfect and Tibet is history’s greatest monster. I wonder how Robyn could have gotten it so wrong!
Man, this is all A LOT. I hope we don’t have to start all over with this again in November :/
Robyn isn’t mad, she’s just disappointed in you is all.
Surely that can’t be right?