Nicole Malliotakis is one of the dipshit Republican congressmen from New York who at no time in her life has ever been George Santos or Elise Stefanik, that we know of. And oh golly, did she have one of the most pained and strained times yesterday trying to weasel out of condemning Donald Trump’s literal Hitler words about immigrants poisoning the blood of the country.
REFRESHER on Trump being literal Hitler:
“They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told a crowd of his rapt, dead-eyed followers at a rally in New Hampshire on Saturday.
Yup! That’s a Hitler-in’!
These people, they are such goddamned cowards.
It happened on CNN with Abby Phillip, and just oh my God, the way these people squirm and weave, trying to avoid being forced to lightly suggest Donald Trump shouldn’t be literally Hitler. It’s like they think a trap door is going to open below them and they are going to be sucked into a void where nobody ever gets invited to Mar-a-Lago again.
RawStory grabbed the video so you can follow along.
And we will steal the transcript from Mediaite:
“Let me start off by simply asking, is Trump right that immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country?” [Abby Phillip] inquired.
“Well, don’t I think that’s what he was saying,” Malliotakis responded. “When he said they are poisoning, I think he was talking with the Democratic policies. I think he was talking about open border policy.”
It’s literally exactly what he was saying, and it doesn’t matter if he meant “with the Democratic policies.” As if Hitler wasn’t also a big complainer about policies he didn’t like. What a stupid dumbass attempt at a deflection. What an ignorant fucking moron.
“Congresswoman, you’re saying that’s what you think he’s saying,” Phillip said incredulously. “But he was pretty clear. He was saying that the immigrants who are coming in, he says they’re poisoning the blood of the nation.”
“Never said ‘immigrants are poisoning, though,’” she protested.
Yes, we guess when Trump said “they’re,” he could have been talking about any collective group of humans. Republicans must hate pronouns so much because it’s nigh impossible to ever figure out who “they” refers to.
Reminder, Donald Trump said these words:
“You know, when they let — I think the real number’s like 15, 16 million people into our country, when they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They’ve poisoned. Mental institutions and prisons all over the world.”
Literally impossible to interpret!
Maybe he was speaking in metaphor!
Back to the transcript:
“He was talking about people coming across the border,” Phillip shot back.
“He didn’t say the word ‘immigrants,’” Malliotakis said while ignoring Trump’s explicit references to people coming to the U.S. from South America, Africa, and Asia. “He was talking about Democratic policies.”
“He was talking about people, not policy,” Phillip replied.
He didn’t say Simon Says either. He simply meant that the Democratic policies that are flooding across the border, 15 or 16 million of them, are poisoning the blood of our country. Some of those Democratic policies even came from mental institutions and prisons!
“The reality is, he was married to immigrants, he’s hired immigrants,” she said, referring to Trump’s wife Melania Trump and his ex-wife Ivana Trump.
Her argument is that Donald Trump used to fuck immigrants. As all Republicans know, it is literally impossible to be abusive toward people if you are currently or past-tense fucking them.
Nicole Malliotakis also did not like when Abby Phillip read from Mein Kampf, where literally Hitler wrote literally, “All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning.” That was very unfair of Abby Phillip to try to compare those words to Donald Trump’s exact words, which were almost exactly the same.
To which we reply, go fuck yourself, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis.
Jesus Goddamned Fucking Christ.
But we don’t mean literally “fuck yourself,” we mean like policies.
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