Today George Santos Devolder Kimmy Gibler Wonder Woman Power Ranger Inspector Gadget Jones is finally apologizing for some things. Wait, did we say apologizing? We meant denying.
We are guessing it is finally getting hot in the kitchen, and that even today’s morally debased human trash Republican Party might be starting to think about cutting ties.
Santos denies he was a drag queen in Brazil named Kitara Ravache. He also denies he helped kill that homeless veteran’s dog by stealing the GoFundMe money for the poor puppy’s surgery. That is the order in which he saw fit to deny those stories. We should note that the dog story broke first.
First, the drag queening:
Oh honey, who even knows and who even cares? Sashay away.
Really fuckin’ funny how he’s all like “I am working to deliver results!” like he is a real congressman. Nobody even can say for sure what the dude’s name is, for fuck’s sake. Also Congress is out this week. That lonely-ass sad loser isn’t doing shit.
But yes, the story is that according to reporting by freelance reporter Marisa Kabas, based on conversations with a drag queen in Brazil named Eula Rochard, Santos was a drag queen 15 years ago in Rio who competed under the name Kitara Ravache.
Reuters confirms the reporting that Santos was a drag queen, sourcing it to Rochard and another acquaintance from the time who said Miss Kitara wanted to be Miss Rio Gay Janeiro. (Not the real title, but should be.)
This quote Reuters got from Rochard is chef’s kiss: “He’s changed a lot, but he was always a liar. He was always such a dreamer.”
Is this funny? Yes. And the point, of course, would be the hypocrisy, since Santos’s latest scam is as a congressman from the Republican Party, which makes its bread and butter demonizing LGBTQ+ people and is currently trying to outlaw “drag queen” in every state with a Republican lege. Santos also supported Ron DeSantis’s vicious “Don’t Say Gay” law.
Once he had gotten that out of the way, Santos denied swindling a poor homeless man out of the GoFundMe money he desperately needed to save his service dog Sapphire. Because that’s the order of priorities here. “I WAS NOT A DRAG QUEEN!” and then the thing about the dog.
THE THING ABOUT THE DOG: George Santos, You Dirty Dog
It took a couple of tries, though. First there was this version, which many read as HOLYSHITFREUDIANSLIP, since in it Kitara Devolder Santos Darlene Conner Old MacDonald McGee tweeted proudly about all the dogs he had helped “reduce” over the years. “That sounds about right,” said the internet.
On his second try, he changed “reduce” to “rescue.” We just hope there aren’t further revisions with the words “reuse” and “recycle.”
He still had the part about “These distractions won’t stop me!” though, to which we must again ask from what, darlin’? What are you EVEN doing?
So this is just the latest, on top of the lies and the lies and also the lies.
George Santos Also Lied About That. And That. And That. And Oh Yeah, That.
George Santos Admits He ‘Embellished’ Few Million Things, Can He Go Congress Now?
The thing about his mom being in the south tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11? Lies, she wasn’t even in the United States.
Did he con Andrew Intrater, the New York hedge fund manager who was one of his biggest donors, and who is cousins with Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg? Intrater says yep!
Dude invented entire stories about games he played on the volleyball team — and injuries he sustained as a result! — at a college he never went to.
So many lies about so many different things, it is literally unbelievable.
But yeah, we are sure these denials about the drag queening and stealing the money from a dying dog’s GoFundMe are legit. And what a cool way Santos is spending his day today!
Here’s Rich Osthoff, the veteran in the GoFundMe story, on CNN telling his story last night.
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