Andrew Yang’s latest failed enterprise is the Forward Party, which considers itself “a new and transformational American political party” comprising squishy centrists who usually run screaming from anything remotely new and transformational. Yang, who’s been alive during the past six years, seems to think we can best confront the rising tide of fascism with a bunch of meaningless MBA buzzwords and corporate jargon.
Yang tried to sell this humbug on CNN Sunday but Jim Acosta wasn’t buying. He interrupted Yang’s “both sides” tirade to inform him that his so-called party would eventually need to take actual policy positions.
ACOSTA: How does the Forward Party feel about Roe v. Wade? Should it have been overturned?
HIPSTER FRAUD: I personally think women’s reproductive rights are fundamental rights. But the “Forward Party” has a — not left or right — but “forward” stance on even the most divisive & contentious issues.
ACOSTA: What does that mean?
Nothing. It means nothing. Yang is simply twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.
Acosta reminded Yang that if “you want to run the country, you’ve got to take some hard decisions.” Yang repeated his elevator pitch: “The Forward Party is about that common sense consensus majority view, which is very clear about abortion.”
Hah! Jim Acosta thinks he’s so smart but Andrew Yang’s got poll numbers and there’s nothing the average American voter respects more than someone who governs based solely on polling data. Yes, a majority of Americans support abortion rights, but that is almost academic when Samuel Alito’s Supreme Court just ignores what the public wants.
Yang claimed that we’re not getting any progress on abortion rights and gun safety because of the “nature of our system.” That’s another acute observation if a trifle obvious. The white conservative minority in the Senate has a permanent veto over any federal legislation, and Republicans have gerrymandered themselves into minority rule in several states that are no longer functional democracies. What’s your “common sense consensus” solution to this, sir?
Whenever Yang blamed the two-party system for America’s woes, Acosta hammered him on his refusal to take any concrete positions.
ACOSTA: Sounds like you’re a fill-in-the-blank party. If somebody wants a party with no clear policy positions, you’re it.
This was not an endorsement. Although I’d applaud Yang if he included Acosta’s quote in his Twitter bio, like we did with Maggie Haberman’s diss.
After Acosta’s rhetorical locker stuffing, Yang later tweeted this nonsense: “If we stay falsely divided by the media into two camps we clash and clash and nothing gets done. But if a new dynamic emerges real change is possible.” Who needs Ipecac, when you’ve got Andrew Yang tweets?
That’s right. Andrew Yang is going to fix politics with … a triangle.
But let’s get back to Yang’s previous point: It’s the media that divides us rather than our radically different beliefs. Why, if there were no media, abortions wouldn’t exist. People would watch A League of Their Own oblivious to the obvious lesbian content. Dogs and cats could live together, even marry, without the resulting mass hysteria.
It Is Time To Admit That Our Entire Primary Process Makes No Damn Sense
Samuel Alito Went To Rome To Gloat That The Supreme Court Is A Religious Body
Yang argues that a “multi-party system would be much less susceptible to the rise of authoritarianism because you would need 2 parties to get on board instead of just 1.” He’s now officially nudged out Marianne Williamson and Tulsi Gabbard as the most embarrassing person to stand on a Democratic primary debate stage. An eight-year-old has a better understanding of how our winner-take-all Electoral College system works. It doesn’t matter if Ron DeSantis wins Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin with just 34 percent of the vote because Democrats split the rest with a useless third party candidate. We’re still marching forward into the nearest reeducation camp.
Third parties in America are a scam, and whoever advocates for them is a scammer who’s scamming you. I like ranked-choice voting as an alternative to the first-across-the-finish-line system. I’d prefer publicly funded elections. However, right now in the year of our Elizabeth Olsen 2022, Republicans are just a couple elections away from a complete authoritarian takeover. Anyone who supports democracy and rightly opposes Marjorie Taylor Greene’s dream of a white Christian fascist state should unite against Republicans. We don’t have to like each other. It’s called a political party but voting doesn’t require schmoozing.
Now, I’d like to go back to ignoring Andrew Yang.
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