The creators of Manga Deadpool: Samurai, Sanshiro Kasama, and Hikaru Uesugi have created a unique anime poster for Thor: Love and Thunder, which is riding high as the third-highest on the list of the top box office openings of 2022. Marvel Studios’ Japanese account has shared the commissioned art of Thor and The Mighty Thor on Twitter.
In the new anime artwork, we see Thor embracing the Mighty Thor and their shadows creating a heart. On their sides we see, the Stormbreaker and Mjolnir on the battleground, while the backdrop draws its inspiration from the original posters with colorful clouds and thunder striking the mountain top.
Love and Thunder see Thor on a quest for inner peace. His road to this internal quest is interrupted by Gorr, The God Butcher, who is hellbent on killing every existing god in the MCU. To face the impending threat, Thor asks for help from King Valkyrie, his best friend Korg, and his long-lost ex-girlfriend Jane Foster. As fate will have it, Jane Foster now wields Mjolnir as she secretly battles cancer. The stakes get higher as her transformation into the Mighty Thor also drains her. Together, they set out on a cosmic adventure to uncover the mystery of the God Butcher’s vengeance and defeat him.
In a previous interview, director Taika Waititi told Collider about the fun the cast and crew had on the set and that the initial cut of the movie was four hours long. He revealed,
It was about four hours. And a lot of time on set … We were talking about this before, like when, in the moment, you’re like, “This is the greatest thing that anyone’s ever filmed in the history of filming things.” And you get into the edit. You’re like, “I still kind of like it.” And then, after about six months of it being in the movie, you realize it was fun on the day but it doesn’t have any business being in the movie.
Along with Waititi as Korg, the movie features Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Natalie Portman as Mighty Thor/Jane Foster, Tessa Thompson as King Valkyrie, and Christian Bale as the antagonist Gorr, the God Butcher. The movie also features Russell Crowe as Zeus along with the Guardians of the Galaxy.
At the global box office, the movie has exceeded initial expectations by garnering $302 million on opening weekend. Thor: Love and Thunder is out in theaters now! Check out the new poster below: